Stained teeth 101: How to prevent and clean stains from wine, coffee, and more

Stained teeth: get a whiter smile

Most of us wish our stained teeth would suddenly appear whiter. If you too have found yourself inspecting your smile and wishing your teeth were more pearly than, well, any other color, you’re not alone.  80% of Americans between 18 and 49 wish their teeth were whiter. For women, that same survey reports the numbers […]

Myth or Fact: The whiter the teeth, the healthier the smile?

whiter smile

Are you worried about your yellow teeth? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! More than half of Americans are insecure about their teeth. According to one study, 57% of us cover our mouths when we laugh. Let’s talk yellow teeth and their implication on the health of your mouth. Are whiter teeth healthier? So, are whiter […]

Natural teeth whitening: Tricks for a whiter smile

Natural teeth whitening

  Nearly everyone will be tempted to try natural teeth whitening eventually. Whether it’s to counter the look of yellowing that has developed over time or in preparation for a big event, teeth whitening can help. Maybe it’s due to poor brushing habits or not using an electric toothbrush, which can clean 100 percent better […]

5 things to stop drinking for whiter teeth

Stained teeth: get a whiter smile

Nobody likes it when their teeth are no longer white. You don’t look as good and you don’t feel as good. One study reports that at least 9.8% of us will experience a significant level of tooth discoloration. Prevention is key to helping keep teeth white – especially around what you eat and especially what […]

Teeth-whitening strips: All about them

whitening strips

Everyone wants a dazzling smile. It makes you look better and feel better about yourself.  But it’s often not enough to follow the American Dental Association’s recommendations. Brushing twice daily, flossing, reducing sugary food intake, and seeing your dentist regularly will help give you clean teeth and good oral health. But if you want really […]